List of postal codes
Place | Postal code |
Albesti | 707061 |
Alexandru Cel Bun | 707591 |
Alexandru I. Cuza | 707005 |
Alexeni | 707531 |
Alexesti | 707266 |
Andrieseni | 707010 |
Arama | 707101 |
Aroneanu | 707020 |
Avantu | 707416 |
Bacu | 707267 |
Badeni | 707446 |
Bahluiu | 707121 |
Baiceni | 707151, 707506 |
Balciu | 707306 |
Bals | 705301 |
Baltati | 707025 |
Balteni | 707396 |
Balusesti | 707156 |
Banu | 707186 |
Barbatesti | 707152 |
Barlesti | 707191 |
Barnova | 707035 |
Belcesti | 707045 |
Berezlogi | 707456 |
Bivolari | 707055 |
Blaga | 707436 |
Blagesti | 705201 |
Boatca | 707157 |
Bocnita | 707451 |
Bodesti | 707426 |
Bogdanesti | 707261 |
Bogonos | 707281 |
Bohotin | 707401 |
Bojila | 707291 |
Boldesti | 707507 |
Borosesti | 707427 |
Borosoaia | 707361 |
Borsa | 707592 |
Bosia | 707566 |
Bosteni | 705202 |
Boureni | 705302, 707346 |
Bradicesti | 707181 |
Braesti | 707060 |
Bran | 707201 |
Bratesti | 707461 |
Bratuleni | 707307 |
Bratulesti | 707466 |
Breazu | 707406 |
Brosteni | 707593 |
Buda | 707062, 707271 |
Budai | 707366 |
Budesti | 707331 |
Buhaeni | 707011 |
Buhalnita | 707071 |
Bulbucani | 707226 |
Bursuc-Deal | 707272 |
Bursuc-Vale | 707273 |
Buruienesti | 707056 |
Butea | 707065 |
Buzdug | 707158 |
Buznea | 705303 |
Carbunari | 707216 |
Carjoaia | 707122 |
Carlig | 707381 |
Carniceni | 707556 |
Cauesti | 707476 |
Ceplenita | 707070 |
Cercu | 707036 |
Chicerea | 707516 |
Chilisoaia | 707187 |
Chiperesti | 707561 |
Chiscareni | 707486 |
Cilibiu | 707202 |
Cioca-Boca | 707477 |
Ciocarlesti | 707428 |
Ciohorani | 707326 |
Ciortesti | 707075 |
Cireseni | 707123 |
Ciurbesti | 707308 |
Ciurea | 707080 |
Coada Stancii | 707567 |
Coarnele Caprei | 707100 |
Coasta Magurii | 705304 |
Cogeasca | 707282 |
Coltu Cornii | 707236 |
Comarna | 707105 |
Contesti | 707571 |
Corcodel | 707217 |
Cornesti | 707309 |
Coropceni | 707076 |
Cositeni | 707367 |
Costesti | 705305 |
Costuleni | 707115 |
Cotargaci | 707026 |
Cotnari | 707120 |
Cotu Lui Ivan | 707203 |
Cotu Morii | 707382 |
Covasna | 707116 |
Cozia | 707117 |
Cozmesti | 707140, 707462 |
Cristesti | 707063, 707145, 707251 |
Crivesti | 707467, 707576 |
Crucea | 707286 |
Cucova | 707468 |
Cucuteni | 707150, 707283 |
Curagau | 707106 |
Curaturi | 707081 |
Cuza Voda | 707268, 707383 |
Dadesti | 705306 |
Dagata | 707155 |
Dancas | 707311 |
Dancu | 707252 |
Deleni | 707077, 707165 |
Dobrovat | 707175 |
Dolhesti | 707180 |
Domnita | 707532 |
Dorobant | 707021 |
Doroscani | 707371 |
Draganesti | 707012 |
Draguseni | 707478 |
Dumbrava | 707082, 707274 |
Dumbravita | 707421 |
Dumesti | 707185 |
Dumitrestii Galatii | 707437 |
Erbiceni | 707190 |
Fagat | 707124 |
Fantanele | 707013, 707196 |
Farcaseni | 707469 |
Fedeleseni | 707471 |
Feredeni | 707166 |
Fetesti | 707447 |
Filiasi | 707027 |
Focuri | 707195 |
Forasti | 707227 |
Frasuleni | 707581 |
Frenciugi | 707479 |
Frumusica | 707292 |
Ganesti | 705307 |
Garbesti | 707533 |
Gastesti | 705203 |
Gaureni | 707312 |
Giurgesti | 705308 |
Glavanesti | 707014 |
Glodenii Gandului | 707546 |
Goesti | 707287 |
Golaiesti | 707200 |
Gorban | 707210 |
Goruni | 707517 |
Gradinari | 707204 |
Grajduri | 707215 |
Griesti | 707547 |
Gropnita | 707225 |
Grozesti | 707235 |
Gura Badilitei | 707577 |
Gura Bohotin | 707211 |
Gura Vaii | 707472 |
Habasesti | 707473 |
Hadambu | 707332 |
Halaucesti | 707240 |
Halceni | 707487 |
Handresti | 707356 |
Harlau | 705100 |
Harmaneasa | 707246 |
Harmanesti | 707510 |
Harmanestii Noi | 707508 |
Harmanestii Vechi | 707509 |
Harpasesti | 707372 |
Hartoape | 707578 |
Heci | 707276 |
Helesteni | 707245 |
Hermeziu | 707521 |
Hilita | 707118 |
Hlincea | 707083 |
Hodora | 707126 |
Hoisesti | 707188 |
Holboca | 707250 |
Holm | 707368 |
Homita | 707146 |
Horlesti | 707260, 707407 |
Horodistea | 707127 |
Horpaz | 707313 |
Humosu | 707457 |
Iacobeni | 707594 |
Iasi | 700001, 700002, 700003, 700004, 700005, 700006, 700009, 700010, 700011, 700012, 700013, 700014, 700015, 700019, 700020, 700021, 700022, 700023, 700024, 700025, 700028, 700029, 700030, 700031, 700032, 700036, 700037, 700038, 700039, 700040, 700044, 700045, 700046, 700047, 700048, 700049, 700050, 700051, 700054, 700055, 700056, 700057, 700058, 700062, 700063, 700064, 700065, 700066, 700067, 700070, 700071, 700072, 700073, 700074, 700075, 700079, 700080, 700081, 700082, 700083, 700087, 700088, 700089, 700090, 700091, 700092, 700093, 700094, 700098, 700099, 700100, 700101, 700102, 700106, 700107, 700108, 700109, 700110, 700111, 700115, 700116, 700117, 700118, 700119, 700123, 700124, 700125, 700126, 700127, 700128, 700132, 700133, 700134, 700135, 700136, 700137, 700141, 700142, 700143, 700144, 700145, 700151, 700152, 700153, 700154, 700155, 700156, 700160, 700161, 700162, 700163, 700164, 700165, 700169, 700170, 700171, 700172, 700173, 700174, 700177, 700178, 700179, 700180, 700181, 700182, 700186, 700187, 700188, 700189, 700190, 700194, 700195, 700196, 700197, 700198, 700202, 700203, 700204, 700205, 700206, 700207, 700211, 700212, 700213, 700214, 700215, 700216, 700220, 700221, 700222, 700223, 700224, 700229, 700230, 700231, 700232, 700233, 700237, 700238, 700239, 700240, 700241, 700242, 700243, 700246, 700247, 700248, 700249, 700250, 700251, 700255, 700256, 700257, 700258, 700259, 700260, 700264, 700265, 700266, 700267, 700268, 700269, 700272, 700273, 700274, 700275, 700276, 700277, 700278, 700280, 700281, 700282, 700283, 700284, 700285, 700286, 700287, 700289, 700290, 700291, 700292, 700293, 700294, 700295, 700296, 700297, 700298, 700299, 700301, 700302, 700303, 700304, 700305, 700306, 700308, 700309, 700310, 700311, 700312, 700313, 700317, 700318, 700319, 700320, 700321, 700325, 700326, 700327, 700328, 700329, 700333, 700334, 700335, 700336, 700337, 700341, 700342, 700343, 700344, 700345, 700346, 700347, 700349, 700350, 700351, 700352, 700353, 700357, 700358, 700359, 700360, 700361, 700365, 700366, 700367, 700368, 700369, 700370, 700373, 700374, 700375, 700376, 700377, 700380, 700381, 700382, 700383, 700384, 700385, 700389, 700390, 700391, 700392, 700393, 700397, 700398, 700399, 700400, 700401, 700407, 700408, 700409, 700410, 700411, 700412, 700413, 700414, 700415, 700416, 700417, 700418, 700419, 700420, 700421, 700422, 700423, 700424, 700425, 700426, 700427, 700428, 700430, 700431, 700432, 700433, 700434, 700435, 700436, 700439, 700440, 700441, 700442, 700443, 700444, 700445, 700446, 700447, 700451, 700452, 700453, 700454, 700455, 700456, 700457, 700460, 700461, 700462, 700463, 700464, 700465, 700468, 700469, 700470, 700471, 700472, 700473, 700474, 700475, 700476, 700478, 700479, 700480, 700481, 700482, 700483, 700484, 700485, 700486, 700487, 700488, 700489, 700490, 700491, 700492, 700493, 700494, 700495, 700496, 700497, 700498, 700499, 700500, 700502, 700503, 700504, 700505, 700506, 700507, 700508, 700509, 700511, 700512, 700513, 700514, 700515, 700516, 700517, 700519, 700520, 700521, 700522, 700523, 700524, 700525, 700527, 700528, 700529, 700530, 700531, 700534, 700535, 700536, 700537, 700538, 700539, 700540, 700541, 700542, 700543, 700544, 700545, 700546, 700547, 700548, 700549, 700551, 700552, 700553, 700554, 700555, 700556, 700559, 700560, 700561, 700562, 700569, 700570, 700571, 700572, 700573, 700574, 700575, 700576, 700579, 700580, 700581, 700582, 700583, 700584, 700585, 700587, 700588, 700589, 700590, 700591, 700592, 700595, 700596, 700597, 700598, 700599, 700600, 700603, 700604, 700605, 700606, 700607, 700608, 700609, 700611, 700612, 700613, 700614, 700615, 700616, 700617, 700618, 700619, 700620, 700621, 700622, 700623, 700624, 700625, 700626, 700627, 700628, 700629, 700630, 700631, 700632, 700633, 700634, 700635, 700636, 700638, 700639, 700640, 700641, 700642, 700646, 700647, 700648, 700649, 700650, 700651, 700652, 700653, 700654, 700656, 700657, 700658, 700659, 700660, 700661, 700662, 700665, 700666, 700668, 700669, 700670, 700671, 700672, 700673, 700674, 700675, 700676, 700677, 700678, 700679, 700680, 700681, 700682, 700684, 700685, 700686, 700687, 700688, 700689, 700690, 700691, 700692, 700693, 700694, 700695, 700696, 700697, 700698, 700702, 700703, 700704, 700705, 700706, 700707, 700710, 700711, 700712, 700713, 700714, 700715, 700716, 700717, 700718, 700719, 700720, 700721, 700722, 700723, 700724, 700725, 700729, 700730, 700731, 700732, 700733, 700734, 700735, 700736, 700737, 700738, 700739, 700931, 700932, 700933, 700934, 700935, 700936, 700937, 700940, 700946, 700950, 700951 |
Iazu Nou | 707488 |
Iazu Vechi | 707489 |
Icuseni | 707582 |
Iepureni | 707016, 707351 |
Ion Neculce | 705309 |
Iorcani | 707501 |
Iosupeni | 707128 |
Ipatele | 707265 |
Isaiia | 707402 |
Iugani | 707296 |
Izvoarele | 707297 |
Jigoreni | 707548 |
Kogalniceni | 707006 |
Larga-Jijia | 707352 |
Leahu-Nacu | 707167 |
Lespezi | 707270 |
Letcani | 707280 |
Liteni | 707046 |
Luceni | 707583 |
Lunca | 705204, 707218 |
Lunca Cetatuii | 707085 |
Lunca Rates | 707429 |
Luncasi | 707241 |
Lungani | 707285, 707601 |
Luparia | 707129 |
Macaresti | 707391 |
Madarjac | 707290 |
Madarjesti | 707028 |
Malaesti | 707228 |
Manastirea | 707159 |
Manjesti | 707333 |
Manzatesti | 707568 |
Maxut | 707168 |
Medeleni | 707206 |
Miclauseni | 707066 |
Mihail Kogalniceanu | 707557 |
Mircesti | 707295 |
Mironeasa | 707300 |
Miroslava | 707305 |
Miroslovesti | 707325 |
Mitesti | 707327 |
Mitoc | 707491 |
Moara Ciornei | 707534 |
Mogosesti | 707330 |
Mogosesti-Siret | 707335 |
Moimesti | 707384 |
Moreni | 707392 |
Mosna | 707340 |
Motca | 707345 |
Movileni | 707247, 707350 |
Muncelu De Sus | 707336 |
Munteni | 707047 |
Oboroceni | 707248 |
Obrijeni | 707373 |
Onesti | 707362 |
Opriseni | 707562 |
Oproaia | 707536 |
Orzeni | 707253 |
Osoi | 707110, 707452 |
Oteleni | 707355 |
Padureni | 707219, 707374 |
Parcovaci | 705101 |
Pascani | 705200 |
Paun | 707037 |
Pausesti | 707189 |
Perieni | 707397 |
Petresti | 707207 |
Petrosica | 707102 |
Picioru Lupului | 707084 |
Pietraria | 707038 |
Pietris | 707182 |
Pietrosu | 707502 |
Piscu Rusului | 707161 |
Plugari | 707360 |
Pocreaca | 707438 |
Podisu | 707029 |
Podolenii De Jos | 707141 |
Podolenii De Sus | 707142 |
Podu Hagiului | 707212 |
Podu Iloaiei | 707365 |
Podu Jijiei | 707208 |
Poiana | 707169, 707439 |
Poiana Cu Cetate | 707221 |
Poiana De Sus | 707538 |
Poiana Manastirii | 707537 |
Poiana Marului | 707072 |
Poiana Scheii | 707481 |
Poieni | 707441 |
Poienile | 707162 |
Popesti | 707370 |
Popricani | 707380 |
Potangeni | 707353 |
Prigoreni | 705310 |
Prisacani | 707390 |
Probota | 707395 |
Proselnici | 707314 |
Rachiteni | 707298 |
Radeni | 707522 |
Raducaneni | 707400 |
Rasboieni | 707549 |
Razboieni | 705311 |
Recea | 707551 |
Rediu | 707064, 707405, 707422, 707431 |
Rediu Aldei | 707022 |
Rediu Mitropoliei | 707386 |
Romanesti | 707415 |
Roscani | 707523 |
Rosu | 707403 |
Rotaria | 707078 |
Ruginoasa | 707420 |
Runcu | 707539 |
Rusenii Noi | 707254 |
Rusenii Vechi | 707256 |
Sacaresti | 707153 |
Salageni | 707237 |
Sangeri | 707231 |
Sarca | 707031 |
Satu Nou | 707048, 707442, 707458, 707482 |
Saveni | 707229 |
Scanteia | 707425 |
Scheia | 707007, 707475 |
Schitu Duca | 707435 |
Schitu Hadambului | 707301 |
Schitu Stavnic | 707602 |
Scobalteni | 707369 |
Scobinti | 707445 |
Scoposeni | 707213, 707262 |
Sculeni | 707584 |
Sendreni | 707587 |
Serbesti | 707079 |
Sinesti | 707450 |
Sipote | 707485 |
Siretel | 707455 |
Slobozia | 707086, 707171, 707443, 707459, 707603 |
Soci | 707328 |
Sodomeni | 705205 |
Solonet | 707057 |
Sorogari | 707023 |
Spineni | 707017 |
Spinoasa | 707192 |
Spranceana | 707193 |
Stanca | 707107, 707586 |
Stejarii | 707558 |
Sticlaria | 707448 |
Stolniceni-Prajescu | 707460 |
Stornesti | 707453 |
Stroesti | 707511 |
Strunga | 707465 |
Suhulet | 707496 |
Tabara | 707058 |
Tansa | 707049, 707495 |
Targu Frumos | 705300 |
Tarnita | 707163 |
Tatarusi | 707500 |
Tautesti | 707408 |
Tibana | 707530 |
Tibanesti | 707545 |
Tiganasi | 707555 |
Tipilesti | 707387 |
Todirel | 707039 |
Todiresti | 707505 |
Tomesti | 707515 |
Topile | 707572 |
Totoesti | 707194 |
Traian | 707059 |
Trifesti | 707520 |
Tudor Vladimirescu | 707337 |
Tufestii De Sus | 707432 |
Tungujei | 707552 |
Tutora | 707560 |
Uda | 707503 |
Ulmi | 707051 |
Ungheni | 707565 |
Uricani | 707316 |
Ursaresti | 707299 |
Ursita | 707302 |
Ursoaia | 707417 |
Vadu Vejei | 707541 |
Valcelele | 707596 |
Valcica | 707504 |
Valea Adanca | 707317 |
Valea Lunga | 707257 |
Valea Lupului | 707410 |
Valea Oilor | 707032 |
Valea Racului | 707131 |
Valea Satului | 707222 |
Valea Seaca | 707570 |
Valea Ursului | 707318 |
Valenii | 707553 |
Vama | 707376 |
Vanatori | 707388, 707575 |
Vascani | 707423 |
Verseni | 707329 |
Victoria | 707580 |
Visan | 707041 |
Vladeni | 707590 |
Vladiceni | 707518 |
Vladnicut | 707579 |
Vladomira | 707524 |
Vocotesti | 707604 |
Voinesti | 707600 |
Volintiresti | 707008 |
Vorovesti | 707319 |
Vulturi | 707389 |
Zaboloteni | 707526 |
Zagavia | 707449 |
Zbereni | 707132 |
Zberoaia | 707214 |
Zece Prajini | 707164 |
Zlodica | 707073 |
Zmeu | 707288 |
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