Iasi, Romania – Postal Codes

List of postal codes

Place Postal code
Albesti 707061
Alexandru Cel Bun 707591
Alexandru I. Cuza 707005
Alexeni 707531
Alexesti 707266
Andrieseni 707010
Arama 707101
Aroneanu 707020
Avantu 707416
Bacu 707267
Badeni 707446
Bahluiu 707121
Baiceni 707151, 707506
Balciu 707306
Bals 705301
Baltati 707025
Balteni 707396
Balusesti 707156
Banu 707186
Barbatesti 707152
Barlesti 707191
Barnova 707035
Belcesti 707045
Berezlogi 707456
Bivolari 707055
Blaga 707436
Blagesti 705201
Boatca 707157
Bocnita 707451
Bodesti 707426
Bogdanesti 707261
Bogonos 707281
Bohotin 707401
Bojila 707291
Boldesti 707507
Borosesti 707427
Borosoaia 707361
Borsa 707592
Bosia 707566
Bosteni 705202
Boureni 705302, 707346
Bradicesti 707181
Braesti 707060
Bran 707201
Bratesti 707461
Bratuleni 707307
Bratulesti 707466
Breazu 707406
Brosteni 707593
Buda 707062, 707271
Budai 707366
Budesti 707331
Buhaeni 707011
Buhalnita 707071
Bulbucani 707226
Bursuc-Deal 707272
Bursuc-Vale 707273
Buruienesti 707056
Butea 707065
Buzdug 707158
Buznea 705303
Carbunari 707216
Carjoaia 707122
Carlig 707381
Carniceni 707556
Cauesti 707476
Ceplenita 707070
Cercu 707036
Chicerea 707516
Chilisoaia 707187
Chiperesti 707561
Chiscareni 707486
Cilibiu 707202
Cioca-Boca 707477
Ciocarlesti 707428
Ciohorani 707326
Ciortesti 707075
Cireseni 707123
Ciurbesti 707308
Ciurea 707080
Coada Stancii 707567
Coarnele Caprei 707100
Coasta Magurii 705304
Cogeasca 707282
Coltu Cornii 707236
Comarna 707105
Contesti 707571
Corcodel 707217
Cornesti 707309
Coropceni 707076
Cositeni 707367
Costesti 705305
Costuleni 707115
Cotargaci 707026
Cotnari 707120
Cotu Lui Ivan 707203
Cotu Morii 707382
Covasna 707116
Cozia 707117
Cozmesti 707140, 707462
Cristesti 707063, 707145, 707251
Crivesti 707467, 707576
Crucea 707286
Cucova 707468
Cucuteni 707150, 707283
Curagau 707106
Curaturi 707081
Cuza Voda 707268, 707383
Dadesti 705306
Dagata 707155
Dancas 707311
Dancu 707252
Deleni 707077, 707165
Dobrovat 707175
Dolhesti 707180
Domnita 707532
Dorobant 707021
Doroscani 707371
Draganesti 707012
Draguseni 707478
Dumbrava 707082, 707274
Dumbravita 707421
Dumesti 707185
Dumitrestii Galatii 707437
Erbiceni 707190
Fagat 707124
Fantanele 707013, 707196
Farcaseni 707469
Fedeleseni 707471
Feredeni 707166
Fetesti 707447
Filiasi 707027
Focuri 707195
Forasti 707227
Frasuleni 707581
Frenciugi 707479
Frumusica 707292
Ganesti 705307
Garbesti 707533
Gastesti 705203
Gaureni 707312
Giurgesti 705308
Glavanesti 707014
Glodenii Gandului 707546
Goesti 707287
Golaiesti 707200
Gorban 707210
Goruni 707517
Gradinari 707204
Grajduri 707215
Griesti 707547
Gropnita 707225
Grozesti 707235
Gura Badilitei 707577
Gura Bohotin 707211
Gura Vaii 707472
Habasesti 707473
Hadambu 707332
Halaucesti 707240
Halceni 707487
Handresti 707356
Harlau 705100
Harmaneasa 707246
Harmanesti 707510
Harmanestii Noi 707508
Harmanestii Vechi 707509
Harpasesti 707372
Hartoape 707578
Heci 707276
Helesteni 707245
Hermeziu 707521
Hilita 707118
Hlincea 707083
Hodora 707126
Hoisesti 707188
Holboca 707250
Holm 707368
Homita 707146
Horlesti 707260, 707407
Horodistea 707127
Horpaz 707313
Humosu 707457
Iacobeni 707594
Iasi 700001, 700002, 700003, 700004, 700005, 700006, 700009, 700010, 700011, 700012, 700013, 700014, 700015, 700019, 700020, 700021, 700022, 700023, 700024, 700025, 700028, 700029, 700030, 700031, 700032, 700036, 700037, 700038, 700039, 700040, 700044, 700045, 700046, 700047, 700048, 700049, 700050, 700051, 700054, 700055, 700056, 700057, 700058, 700062, 700063, 700064, 700065, 700066, 700067, 700070, 700071, 700072, 700073, 700074, 700075, 700079, 700080, 700081, 700082, 700083, 700087, 700088, 700089, 700090, 700091, 700092, 700093, 700094, 700098, 700099, 700100, 700101, 700102, 700106, 700107, 700108, 700109, 700110, 700111, 700115, 700116, 700117, 700118, 700119, 700123, 700124, 700125, 700126, 700127, 700128, 700132, 700133, 700134, 700135, 700136, 700137, 700141, 700142, 700143, 700144, 700145, 700151, 700152, 700153, 700154, 700155, 700156, 700160, 700161, 700162, 700163, 700164, 700165, 700169, 700170, 700171, 700172, 700173, 700174, 700177, 700178, 700179, 700180, 700181, 700182, 700186, 700187, 700188, 700189, 700190, 700194, 700195, 700196, 700197, 700198, 700202, 700203, 700204, 700205, 700206, 700207, 700211, 700212, 700213, 700214, 700215, 700216, 700220, 700221, 700222, 700223, 700224, 700229, 700230, 700231, 700232, 700233, 700237, 700238, 700239, 700240, 700241, 700242, 700243, 700246, 700247, 700248, 700249, 700250, 700251, 700255, 700256, 700257, 700258, 700259, 700260, 700264, 700265, 700266, 700267, 700268, 700269, 700272, 700273, 700274, 700275, 700276, 700277, 700278, 700280, 700281, 700282, 700283, 700284, 700285, 700286, 700287, 700289, 700290, 700291, 700292, 700293, 700294, 700295, 700296, 700297, 700298, 700299, 700301, 700302, 700303, 700304, 700305, 700306, 700308, 700309, 700310, 700311, 700312, 700313, 700317, 700318, 700319, 700320, 700321, 700325, 700326, 700327, 700328, 700329, 700333, 700334, 700335, 700336, 700337, 700341, 700342, 700343, 700344, 700345, 700346, 700347, 700349, 700350, 700351, 700352, 700353, 700357, 700358, 700359, 700360, 700361, 700365, 700366, 700367, 700368, 700369, 700370, 700373, 700374, 700375, 700376, 700377, 700380, 700381, 700382, 700383, 700384, 700385, 700389, 700390, 700391, 700392, 700393, 700397, 700398, 700399, 700400, 700401, 700407, 700408, 700409, 700410, 700411, 700412, 700413, 700414, 700415, 700416, 700417, 700418, 700419, 700420, 700421, 700422, 700423, 700424, 700425, 700426, 700427, 700428, 700430, 700431, 700432, 700433, 700434, 700435, 700436, 700439, 700440, 700441, 700442, 700443, 700444, 700445, 700446, 700447, 700451, 700452, 700453, 700454, 700455, 700456, 700457, 700460, 700461, 700462, 700463, 700464, 700465, 700468, 700469, 700470, 700471, 700472, 700473, 700474, 700475, 700476, 700478, 700479, 700480, 700481, 700482, 700483, 700484, 700485, 700486, 700487, 700488, 700489, 700490, 700491, 700492, 700493, 700494, 700495, 700496, 700497, 700498, 700499, 700500, 700502, 700503, 700504, 700505, 700506, 700507, 700508, 700509, 700511, 700512, 700513, 700514, 700515, 700516, 700517, 700519, 700520, 700521, 700522, 700523, 700524, 700525, 700527, 700528, 700529, 700530, 700531, 700534, 700535, 700536, 700537, 700538, 700539, 700540, 700541, 700542, 700543, 700544, 700545, 700546, 700547, 700548, 700549, 700551, 700552, 700553, 700554, 700555, 700556, 700559, 700560, 700561, 700562, 700569, 700570, 700571, 700572, 700573, 700574, 700575, 700576, 700579, 700580, 700581, 700582, 700583, 700584, 700585, 700587, 700588, 700589, 700590, 700591, 700592, 700595, 700596, 700597, 700598, 700599, 700600, 700603, 700604, 700605, 700606, 700607, 700608, 700609, 700611, 700612, 700613, 700614, 700615, 700616, 700617, 700618, 700619, 700620, 700621, 700622, 700623, 700624, 700625, 700626, 700627, 700628, 700629, 700630, 700631, 700632, 700633, 700634, 700635, 700636, 700638, 700639, 700640, 700641, 700642, 700646, 700647, 700648, 700649, 700650, 700651, 700652, 700653, 700654, 700656, 700657, 700658, 700659, 700660, 700661, 700662, 700665, 700666, 700668, 700669, 700670, 700671, 700672, 700673, 700674, 700675, 700676, 700677, 700678, 700679, 700680, 700681, 700682, 700684, 700685, 700686, 700687, 700688, 700689, 700690, 700691, 700692, 700693, 700694, 700695, 700696, 700697, 700698, 700702, 700703, 700704, 700705, 700706, 700707, 700710, 700711, 700712, 700713, 700714, 700715, 700716, 700717, 700718, 700719, 700720, 700721, 700722, 700723, 700724, 700725, 700729, 700730, 700731, 700732, 700733, 700734, 700735, 700736, 700737, 700738, 700739, 700931, 700932, 700933, 700934, 700935, 700936, 700937, 700940, 700946, 700950, 700951
Iazu Nou 707488
Iazu Vechi 707489
Icuseni 707582
Iepureni 707016, 707351
Ion Neculce 705309
Iorcani 707501
Iosupeni 707128
Ipatele 707265
Isaiia 707402
Iugani 707296
Izvoarele 707297
Jigoreni 707548
Kogalniceni 707006
Larga-Jijia 707352
Leahu-Nacu 707167
Lespezi 707270
Letcani 707280
Liteni 707046
Luceni 707583
Lunca 705204, 707218
Lunca Cetatuii 707085
Lunca Rates 707429
Luncasi 707241
Lungani 707285, 707601
Luparia 707129
Macaresti 707391
Madarjac 707290
Madarjesti 707028
Malaesti 707228
Manastirea 707159
Manjesti 707333
Manzatesti 707568
Maxut 707168
Medeleni 707206
Miclauseni 707066
Mihail Kogalniceanu 707557
Mircesti 707295
Mironeasa 707300
Miroslava 707305
Miroslovesti 707325
Mitesti 707327
Mitoc 707491
Moara Ciornei 707534
Mogosesti 707330
Mogosesti-Siret 707335
Moimesti 707384
Moreni 707392
Mosna 707340
Motca 707345
Movileni 707247, 707350
Muncelu De Sus 707336
Munteni 707047
Oboroceni 707248
Obrijeni 707373
Onesti 707362
Opriseni 707562
Oproaia 707536
Orzeni 707253
Osoi 707110, 707452
Oteleni 707355
Padureni 707219, 707374
Parcovaci 705101
Pascani 705200
Paun 707037
Pausesti 707189
Perieni 707397
Petresti 707207
Petrosica 707102
Picioru Lupului 707084
Pietraria 707038
Pietris 707182
Pietrosu 707502
Piscu Rusului 707161
Plugari 707360
Pocreaca 707438
Podisu 707029
Podolenii De Jos 707141
Podolenii De Sus 707142
Podu Hagiului 707212
Podu Iloaiei 707365
Podu Jijiei 707208
Poiana 707169, 707439
Poiana Cu Cetate 707221
Poiana De Sus 707538
Poiana Manastirii 707537
Poiana Marului 707072
Poiana Scheii 707481
Poieni 707441
Poienile 707162
Popesti 707370
Popricani 707380
Potangeni 707353
Prigoreni 705310
Prisacani 707390
Probota 707395
Proselnici 707314
Rachiteni 707298
Radeni 707522
Raducaneni 707400
Rasboieni 707549
Razboieni 705311
Recea 707551
Rediu 707064, 707405, 707422, 707431
Rediu Aldei 707022
Rediu Mitropoliei 707386
Romanesti 707415
Roscani 707523
Rosu 707403
Rotaria 707078
Ruginoasa 707420
Runcu 707539
Rusenii Noi 707254
Rusenii Vechi 707256
Sacaresti 707153
Salageni 707237
Sangeri 707231
Sarca 707031
Satu Nou 707048, 707442, 707458, 707482
Saveni 707229
Scanteia 707425
Scheia 707007, 707475
Schitu Duca 707435
Schitu Hadambului 707301
Schitu Stavnic 707602
Scobalteni 707369
Scobinti 707445
Scoposeni 707213, 707262
Sculeni 707584
Sendreni 707587
Serbesti 707079
Sinesti 707450
Sipote 707485
Siretel 707455
Slobozia 707086, 707171, 707443, 707459, 707603
Soci 707328
Sodomeni 705205
Solonet 707057
Sorogari 707023
Spineni 707017
Spinoasa 707192
Spranceana 707193
Stanca 707107, 707586
Stejarii 707558
Sticlaria 707448
Stolniceni-Prajescu 707460
Stornesti 707453
Stroesti 707511
Strunga 707465
Suhulet 707496
Tabara 707058
Tansa 707049, 707495
Targu Frumos 705300
Tarnita 707163
Tatarusi 707500
Tautesti 707408
Tibana 707530
Tibanesti 707545
Tiganasi 707555
Tipilesti 707387
Todirel 707039
Todiresti 707505
Tomesti 707515
Topile 707572
Totoesti 707194
Traian 707059
Trifesti 707520
Tudor Vladimirescu 707337
Tufestii De Sus 707432
Tungujei 707552
Tutora 707560
Uda 707503
Ulmi 707051
Ungheni 707565
Uricani 707316
Ursaresti 707299
Ursita 707302
Ursoaia 707417
Vadu Vejei 707541
Valcelele 707596
Valcica 707504
Valea Adanca 707317
Valea Lunga 707257
Valea Lupului 707410
Valea Oilor 707032
Valea Racului 707131
Valea Satului 707222
Valea Seaca 707570
Valea Ursului 707318
Valenii 707553
Vama 707376
Vanatori 707388, 707575
Vascani 707423
Verseni 707329
Victoria 707580
Visan 707041
Vladeni 707590
Vladiceni 707518
Vladnicut 707579
Vladomira 707524
Vocotesti 707604
Voinesti 707600
Volintiresti 707008
Vorovesti 707319
Vulturi 707389
Zaboloteni 707526
Zagavia 707449
Zbereni 707132
Zberoaia 707214
Zece Prajini 707164
Zlodica 707073
Zmeu 707288

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