Miyaki Gun, Saga Ken, Japan – Postal Codes

List of postal codes

Place Postal code
Á¿Ã‚„ÁÇ”ºå½¹Å ´Ã€€Ä¸‰Æ ¹ÅºÈˆŽ 840-1192
Bojo 849-0123
Eguchi 849-0112
Emukai 849-0121
Harukoga 849-0101
Higashio 849-0113
Higashitsu 840-1104
Ichitake 840-1106
Ikanikeisaiganaibaai 841-0200, 849-0100, 849-0100
Keyakidai 841-0205
Kokura 841-0201
Maemuta 849-0122
Minobaru 849-0102
Miyaura 841-0204
Nagano 841-0202
Nakatsukuma 849-0114
Nishijima 840-1101
Sakaguchi 840-1103
Shirakabe 849-0111
Sonobe 841-0203
Tenkenji 840-1102
Tsutsumi 849-0124
Yoriuto 840-1105

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