Kuwana Gun, Mie Ken, Japan – Postal Codes

List of postal codes

Place Postal code
Gangaji 498-0818
Genrokuwaju 498-0816
Hakuro 498-0815
Ikanikeisaiganaibaai 498-0000
Izumi 498-0803
Karoto 498-0801
Kawasaki 498-0810
Kazutomi 498-0823
Kennyu 498-0802
Kennyuryusaku 498-0822
Kobayashi 498-0805
Koizumi 498-0804
Matsunaga 498-0817
Misaki 498-0814
Nakaizumi 498-0812
Nishitaiganji 498-0807
Omijima 498-0808
Sakae 498-0811
Shinkaroto 498-0821
Shinwa 498-0824
Sotobiraki 498-0806
Tashiro 498-0819
Tomitane 498-0813
Ɯ¨Æ›½Å²¬Ç”ºå½¹Å ´ 498-8503

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