List of postal codes
Place | Postal code |
Adidharma | 45151 |
Argasunya | 45145 |
Arjawinangun | 45162 |
Astanajapura | 45181 |
Babakan | 40222, 45191, 45612 |
Babakan Ciparay | 40222 |
Bandung Kulon | 40215 |
Beber | 45172 |
Ciledug | 45188 |
Cirebon Barat | 45153 |
Cirebon Selatan | 45171 |
Cirebon Utara | 45151 |
Ciwaringin | 45167 |
Drajat | 45133 |
Dukuh Puntang | 45652 |
Gegesik | 45164 |
Gegunung | 45651 |
Gempol | 40215 |
Gempol Sari | 40215 |
Geyongan | 45162 |
Harjamukti | 45141, 45142, 45143, 45144, 45145 |
Jagasatru | 45115 |
Jatimerta | 45151 |
Kalijaga | 45144 |
Kaliwedi | 45165 |
Kapetakan | 45152 |
Karang Anyar | 45163 |
Karang Sembung | 45186 |
Karya Mulya | 45135 |
Kasepuhan | 45114 |
Kebon Baru | 45124 |
Kebon Turi | 45162 |
Kecapi | 45142 |
Kedungjaya | 45153 |
Kejaksaan | 45121, 45122, 45123, 45124 |
Kemantren | 45651 |
Kertawinangun | 45153 |
Kesambi | 45131, 45132, 45133, 45134, 45135 |
Kesenden | 45121 |
Klangenan | 45156 |
Kroya | 45163 |
Larangan | 45141 |
Lemah Abang | 45183 |
Lemahwungkuk | 45111, 45112, 45113, 45114 |
Losari | 45192 |
Margaasih | 40215 |
Mundu | 45173 |
Pabedilan | 45193 |
Palimanan | 45161 |
Pangenan | 45182 |
Panguragan | 45163 |
Panjunan | 45112 |
Pegambiran | 45113 |
Pekalangan | 45118 |
Pekalipan | 45115, 45116, 45117, 45118 |
Pekiringan | 45131 |
Perbutulan | 45613 |
Pesalakan | 45651 |
Pilangsari | 45153 |
Plumbon | 45155 |
Pulasaren | 45116 |
Sedong | 45189 |
Sukapura | 45122 |
Sukaputra | 45122 |
Sumber | 45611, 45612, 45613, 45651 |
Sunyaragi | 45132 |
Susukan | 45166 |
Susukanlebak | 45185 |
Sutawinangun | 45153 |
Waled | 45187 |
Watubelah Sumber | 45651 |
Weru | 45154 |
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Each region in Cirebon has its own unique postal code, and it’s important to have the correct code to ensure timely delivery of your mail. To find the correct code for your destination region, simply click on the region in the list above. If you’re unsure which region to choose, try our address lookup tool at the top of the page or use our interactive map to find your zip code.